Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

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Jumat, 26 November 2010

High Blood Pressure

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High blood pressure (hypertension) or hypertension means high pressure (tension) in the arteries. Arteries are the vessels that carry blood from the heart pumping all tissues and organs in the body. High blood pressure does not mean excessive emotional tension, although emotional tension and stress can temporarily increase blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is less than 120 on high level and 80 minimum; blood pressure between 120 and 80 and 139...[Readmore]

Sabtu, 13 November 2010

Skin Rash

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First of all i would like to tell you that Skin Rash is not any particular disease, it means only the changing in skin or rashes from which someone feels difference in skin, so doctors and experts do not call it any disease like Mesothelioma or Diarrhea etc.Rashes are not dangerous to human being else they take position of chickenpox or allergic spots.There are many types of rashes and they have their treatment according to their conditions.Some...[Readmore]

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Dengue Fever In Pakistan

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Now a days, more than 1000 people are facing this deadly disease and are admitted in hospitals of Pakistan. Sindh and some regions of Punjab are effected with this Virus...Certain MEGA PLATELETS are provided by ABBASI SHAHEED HOSPITAL free of cost in Karachi.for more info contact : diseasesblog@yahoo.com ( For Patients In Pakistan Only )recomended product suport by amazon...[Readmore]

Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Valuable Information For Sufferer of Mesothelioma

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If someone is fighting for his/her life, its best for them to pick something best, and thats why when someone decides that he/she has to hire attorney to fight against the injustice for the cause of mesothelioma, thus it is so much necessary that someone hires a well known mesothelioma lawyer, who knows each and every thing regarding the situation. As you all know that the lawyers of mesothelioma in San Diego, Pennsylvania, New York and Los Angeles...[Readmore]

Minggu, 19 September 2010


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Eczema is an ordinary term for many types of skin inflammation (outer layer of skin) which is also knows as Dermatitis. Eczema has also got different types. In England more than 60 Lac people have been diagnosed with this diseases. Eczema is usually connected with rashes which has got following symptoms.Symptoms Of Eczema :Redness of skin, skin swelling, blistering, itches and burns, bleeding and dry skin.It usually appears in the head, arms, under...[Readmore]

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

Hepatitis A

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As you all know that Hepatitis A is a liver disease, it is very painful disease in which results in red swelling, when the tissues of body become infected or injured, it can cause organs not to work properly as before, this HAV virus can be passed easily to other human body, and the countries where their is poor hygiene standard have more chances of getting infected with this virus.Signs And Symptoms of Hepatitis A : Small children under age of 10...[Readmore]

Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

Diabetes Mellitus

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Diabetes Mellitus, which is often referred to as Diabetes, is a metabolic diseases, in which a person has high blood sugar, this condition happens with two major causes, first one is : if a persons body does not produce enough insulin required by body or if the cells of human body does not respond to the insulin that is produced by the body.There are three types of of diabetes, and all types have been treatable since 1921 onwards when Insulin become...[Readmore]

Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

Low Back Pain

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When ever we stand, the lower back helps in supporting the weight of upper body and when ever we bend, rotate, or extend the lower back performs the function of movement. So the lower back performs the main function of whole body without it we can not do anything.Lower back Pain is a common musculoskeletal disorder which affects more than 85% people of the world at some point in their lives, It is one of the biggest cause for more sick leaves and...[Readmore]

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Risks of Laser Eye Surgery

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The eyes needs extreme care because it is afragile organ. The laser eye treatment is very popular but most people are not aware of its risks and it costs thousands of dollars. Before going for the laser eye surgery it is better to understand the risks and complications involved in laser surgery. There are lot of risks involved in laser eye surgery some of them are.Loss of vision and infection : There is no statistics of complete loss of vision after...[Readmore]

Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

Simple Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

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The activities which we use to perform every day can give some disadvantagesto our eye sight. Like working on computer all day long, reading different materials,and writing requires a lot of concentration and eye attention creates high chances tofeel your eyes tired. The modern technology is putting more and more stress on our eyesight day by day. Recent studies shows that most peoples are facing the problems likeeye sight weakness and eye disorders...[Readmore]

Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

Dengue Fever

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Dengue Fever is the disease caused to a human by a transmitting of mosquito namely Aedes albopictus mosquito, this mosquito bits in daylight time and in evening time ( sunrise and sunset ), it can also be caused by four viruses of serotypes, This disease is also known as Break Bone Fever or Dandy Fever, the victim of this disease can get dengue fever multiple times.According to World Health Organization, "more than 50 million people caused this...[Readmore]
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