Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Kidney Failure

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Kidney is the main organ of human body, which not only filters the blood, getting rid of all the waste products and it also balances the electrolytes in a human body, kidney failure is also known as renal failure.Causes Of Kidney Failure : The kidney failure causes when the kidney of a person filled or overloaded with lots of toxins, the main causes for the kidney to get interrupted is accidents, injuries, from surgeries, overdose of different drugs,...[Readmore]

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011


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Anemia is the disease causes by the decreasing amount of red blood cells in a human body, there are different classes or you can say kinds of this disease,Causes Of Anemia : Their is no any specific cause for this disease, but it is caused when the normal routine of cell got disturbed or due to loss of blood.Diagnosis Of Anemia : Anemia is usually diagnosed by the CBC ( Counting Blood Cells ), it also checks the amount of Hemoglobin in the cells....[Readmore]

Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

Atrial Fibrillation

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Recent studies shows that People who regularly drink a lot of alcohol are likely to develop irregular heart rhythm which can be life-threatening this disease is called atrial fibrillation.Thousands of people only in USA are infected by this disease, and the numbers of victims are increasing day by day and millions are spend to diagnose and treat this disease,Atrial Fibrillation, Who is at highest risk ? According to the researchers the more the person...[Readmore]
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