Selasa, 22 Maret 2011


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Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which are illness of a body and cause by the own immune system of body, it can affect any tissue or cell in any part of the human body, which results in breakage or damage of tissue, the immune system is present in the body to defend other harming agents which attacks a body, the immune system works reversely if someone has lupus.Lupus is the cause of other diseases, in which heart disease, skin disease, joints pain,...[Readmore]

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Most Deadly Diseases

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Following are the most deadly diseases which killed millions of people throughout the world in the past and some of them are also present today.1. Small Pox : This disease is considered as the most deadly diseases in the 19th and 20th Century, more than 5 Billion people have lost their lives due to this virus, Variola major or Variola minor virus were the two main cause of this infectious disease.2. Malaria : It is the second largest deadly disease,...[Readmore]

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011


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Scabies is one of the most itching and painful contagious skin condition which is caused by a tiny parasite named Sarcoptes Scabiei, which is not able to see by a naked eye, it lives in side the animal or human body's skin and it causes bad itching usually at night time, it does not only attacks human body but also animals also come under its attack, this parasite have eight legs.More than 300 million cases occurs each year in not only US but all...[Readmore]

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011


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Toothache is a badly aching pain which usually pains in or around the tooth of human body. The pain of teeth is at the extreme level and is very problematic, ( i have experienced my self ).Causes Of Toothache : Toothache is usually caused by the some common tooth cavities, a cracked tooth which leads the way for germs to reach canal which is at the bottom of tooth, eating acidic food, jaw disease, gum disease or infected dental pulp. It can also...[Readmore]

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

19 Asteroid Ditemukan Dalam Semalam

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Teleskop Pan-STARRS PS1 berhasil menemukan 19 asteroid dalam waktu semalam. Jumlah ini merupakan rekor baru.Rekor dicetak teleskop, yang berlokasi di Gunung Api Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii, pada 29 Januari 2011 lalu. "Temuan ini merupakan bukti bahwa PS1 adalah teleskop terbaik untuk studi macam ini," kata Pemimpin proyek PS1 Nick Kaiser dari University of Hawaii. PS1 yang dilengkapi kamera digital terbesar yang didesain untuk mengambil ratusan...[Readmore]

Manusia Akan Sebabkan Kepunahan Massal Berikutnya

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Kepunahan massal keenam disebabkan oleh manusia. Demikian sebut sebuah artikel dalam jurnal ilmiah Nature.Setelah terjadi 5 kepunahan massal dalam 540 juta tahun terakhir, kepunahan massal berikutnya--diperkirakan akan terjadi sekitar 3 hingga 22 abad lagi--disebabkan oleh manusia. Kepunahan ini disebabkan penggerusan habitat, perburuan berlebihan, penyebaran kuman dan virus, serta perubahan iklim akibat efek rumah kaca akibat bahan bakar minyak.Sebelum...[Readmore]

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Congestive Heart Failure

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Congestive heart failue is a condition is which the heart lacks the functionas a pump to deliver oxygen rich blood to the body. It can be caused due toa. some diseases that weaken the heart muscleb. diseases that increase oxygen demand from the body tissues beyond the heart's ability to provide adequate oxygen-rich blood.c. diseases that cause stiffening of muscles of the heartSymptoms Of Congestive Heart Failure : There are many symptoms of Congestive...[Readmore]


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Gout is a human disease in which the level of uric acid inside the body increases, the increase limit of this uric acid leads to form small crystals which gathers around the tissues, tendons and joints of a body, the most affected area of this disease is the toes ( hallux ) of a person. The infected parts becomes swollen , itchy, reddish and paining. This disease can leads towards building stones in kidneys and joint destruction. It is also known...[Readmore]
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