Jumat, 28 September 2012

The BIDMC Technology Ventures Office Conference

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Today, I joined Kevin Tabb (CEO at BIDMC), Alexandra Drane (Eliza Corp), Nina Nashif (Healthbox), Graham Gardner (Kyruus), and Mark Chalek (Chief of Business Ventures at BIDMC) to explore Digital Health and Patients' Needs via a very energetic panel discussion.Key themes we discussed - in order to create value for patients and families, an entirely new generation of products and services will be needed.   Ideas ranged from "Zagat" type guides...[Readmore]

Kamis, 27 September 2012

Building Unity Farm - the Dogs and Cats

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No farm can be complete without dogs and cats. In the 1980 and 1990's, my wife Kathy raised Chow-Chows professionally.   We have fond memories of Syrah, Callie, and Thor, our champion dogs who all passed away from old age.My daughter, Lara, loves Alaskan/Siberian Huskies and she learned to mush two Summers ago during a trip to Alaska.When we planned Unity Farm, we knew we needed livestock guardian dogs.   Chow Chows guard their families...[Readmore]

Rabu, 26 September 2012

Mobile Devices for Medical Education

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Today I'm doing a video teleconference keynote to a group in Thailand to discuss the use of mobile devices in medical education at Harvard.Here are the slides I'll use.  Thanks to Jason Alvarez at HMS for preparing the data.Key findings from the 2012 HMS Mobile Survey89% of teaching faculty are mobile users97% of students in their clinical years own a smart mobile device49% of Preclinical Students own an iPad37% of teaching Faculty have iPads70%...[Readmore]

Selasa, 25 September 2012

Can We Stop Throwing Stones?

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I'm a glass half full kind of guy and an eternal optimist.   I glorify progress and quickly forget defeat.Often I feel that I'm in the minority.  Bad news sells.  Criticism has a Schadenfreude attraction - the apparent failure of others makes some feel more successful. Monday Morning Quarterback commentary frustrates me.1.  Steve Jobs would have never allowed Apple maps to launch on the iPhone 5 and thus Apple is past its...[Readmore]

Senin, 24 September 2012

The Countdown to the Golden Spike

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On October 15, the Massachusetts Statewide Health Information Exchange goes live.   The "Golden Spike" for HIE in the Commonwealth is just 3 weeks away and we're all busy doing three things:1. Modifying our clinical systems to read the statewide provider directory and public key infrastructure certificate repository2.  Planning our workflows so that we generate continuity of care document/consolidated CDA XML clinical summaries for transitions...[Readmore]
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