Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Yoga for Menopause: Fatigue

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by NinaRose Light by Melina MezaWhen I was going through perimenopause, the worst symptom I had was fatigue attacks. Although fatigue or exhaustion is a classic symptom of perimenopause, I'm pretty sure I made up the term "fatigue attack" because I needed a special term for how it felt to me. I'm a pretty energetic person who gets a lot of things done in a given day, and my yoga practice during that time was quite athletic. But during that period,...[Readmore]

Downtime in 2002 verses 2013

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On November 13, 2002, the network core at Beth Israel Deaconess failed due to a complex series of events and the hospital lost access to all applications.   Clinicians had no email, no lab results, no PACS images, and no order entry.    All centrally stored files were unavailable.   The revenue cycle could not flow.   For 2 days, the hospital of 2002 became the hospital of 1972.  Much has been written about this incident...[Readmore]

Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Forbes Magazine Gives Yoga a Thumb$ Up

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by BaxterView From Above by Melina MezaI love it when capitalist magazines find something good to say about yoga, even if it is how it is making someone lots of money. But in this case, Forbes says yoga might save the US trillions of dollars in lost productivity for our economy. How so, you ask? Why, for a start, by reducing the dropout rate from high schools in this country, rates that shockingly range from 30% in most places...[Readmore]

Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Yoga and Menopause: An Overview

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by ShariMushroom in Winter by Melina MezaNina and I were talking a while back and we realized that we hadn't yet written any posts on menopause. Well, considering that this physiological episode is a major event in every woman's life, we thought it was about time to take this on, and decided that I should start the ball rolling so to speak. Although each woman’s experience of menopause is very personal and individual, there are certain similarities...[Readmore]

Jumat, 26 Juli 2013

Friday Q&A: One Leg Shorter than the Other

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Q: I recently learned that my back pain for two years now (surgery recommended) is due to my right leg being shorter (2nd opinion from another back surgeon). My right shoulder and right hip are higher than the left side. Is there a yoga exercise or two that could help me correct this and alleviate the back lumbar pain?Upper Leg BoneA: This is a great question, and quite a common finding for many people: having one leg shorter than the other. And...[Readmore]

Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

More Love for Baroreceptors: Supporting Your Head in Restorative Poses

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by NinaWhen I first starting taking yoga, I was confused about why my teachers were always rushing put to a folded blanket under my head when I was lying on my back. Something about the position of my head when I was lying on the floor was driving them crazy, but what was it? And why was it such a problem?Later I learned that they were adding this support because, when my head was flat on the floor, due to tightness in my shoulders, my neck was arching...[Readmore]

Building Unity Farm - Scenes of Summer

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Unity Farm is at the peak of Summer.  Everything is in bloom, the forest is bursting with wildlife, and all our outdoor activities are in full swing as we finish creation of our growing areas before we retreat inside for 6 months of winter.   Here are a few photos with the scenes of Summer at Unity Farm.1.  Afternoon thunderstorms pop up during the hot and humid weather.    They skies are filled with billowing clouds that...[Readmore]

Rabu, 24 Juli 2013

The Era of Epic

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In the Boston marketplace, Partners Healthcare is is replacing 30 years of self developed software with Epic.   Boston Medical Center is replacing Eclipsys (Allscripts) with Epic.   Lahey Clinic is replacing Meditech/Allscripts with Epic.  Cambridge Health Alliance and Atrius already run Epic.   Rumors abound that others are in Eastern Massachusetts are considering Epic.  Why has Epic gained such momentum over the past few...[Readmore]

Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Image Exchange

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Last week, the Clinical Operations Workgroup of the HIT Standards Committee held its third hearing on image exchange, seeking testimony from Hamid Tabatabaie, CEO of LifeImage and Michael Baglio, CTO of LifeImage.He made several important points1.  We should think of image exchange as having two major categories - local and long distance.    DICOM works well for modality to PACS connectivity within an enterprise (local).   DICOM...[Readmore]
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