Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

Friday Q & A: Broken Blood Vessels in the Eyes

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Closed Eyes by Odilon RedonQ: Today one of my students said that a couple of days ago she noticed a broken blood vessel in her left eye. This occurred the day after doing inversions in class. She asked me if I thought the inversion caused it. To be honest, I'm not sure, but I suspect it might have. She's been practicing yoga for 3 years and had done inversions before. This is the first time she got a broken blood vessel. Do you have any suggestions?...[Readmore]

Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

Opening Your Yoga Toolbox

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by Ninaby Van GoghDid you know you have a your own personal box of yoga tools in your yoga room, your yoga corner, or that empty strip between the TV and the couch? And that when you’re experiencing some physical or emotional difficulty, or if you just want to work on your overall wellbeing, you can open up that toolbox, select a few tools and get to work?Yes, it’s kind of like Christmas, so let’s open up the box and see what’s inside! Ooh, it’s...[Readmore]

Building Unity Farm - Managing wood

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Last weekend I drove to West Bridgewater, MA and picked up a 500 pound SuperSplitter  (J Model 6.5hp Honda engine).  It’s now installed in the wood processing area with 10 cords of wood to be split on one side and 10 cords of self-built storage racks on the other.Here’s our wood management plan by tree species:Eastern Red Cedar - we never cut cedar, which is a slow growing resinous tree that lives for 800 years.   We have hundreds...[Readmore]

Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

Chronic Stress Can Damage Your Brain

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by Nina Opening Peas by Melina Meza"Stress can damage the brain. The hormones it releases can change the way nerves fire, and send circuits into a dangerous feedback loop, leaving us vulnerable to anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.” — Geoffrey Mohan, LA TimesOne of my new areas of interest is brain health. Yes, not too surprisingly, I’d like to keep my brain—along with my body—healthy as I age (as I’m sure you all do, too)....[Readmore]

Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud

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On Monday at HIMSS, I signed my new book, Life as a Heathcare CIO for 300 folks at HIMSS.   During the rest of the day I met with numerous companies, leaders, and fellow IT professionals.   The theme I heard frequently was the need for care management/population health applications based on data acquisition, normalization, mining, and workflow.   Common characteristics of such applications included social networking features to gather...[Readmore]

Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

Tax-Prep Neck (Neck Pain, Part 3)

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by BaxterYes, it’s that time of year in the USA. We reluctantly sit down at our desks to do our taxes. And if you are like me, once I get cooking, I tend to not want to stop until I get as much of this thankless job done as I can. So, two weekends ago, I got into this annual ritual once again. And about an hour into it, looking down at my checkbook registry, highlighting business expenses and creating lists of all kinds of things our friends at the...[Readmore]

Senin, 24 Februari 2014

Treatment of Incontinence: The Physio-Yoga Therapy Approach

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by Shelly ProskoGarland Pose (Malasana)In my last post for Yoga for Healthy Aging To Leak or Not to Leak: Urinary Incontinence, I explored the main types of incontinence: stress, urge and mixed. I emphasized that when addressing any pelvic floor dysfunctions, including incontinence, it is essential to first cultivate a sense of awareness of the pelvic floor and learn to release the pelvic floor muscles (PFM’s) before engaging or strengthening even...[Readmore]

Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

The Voluntary 2015 Edition Electronic Health Record Certification Criteria

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There's nothing like a crisp New England winter evening, a roaring fire, a cup of cider, and a 242 page Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to fill your Friday night.I've summarized the preamble and all 50 criteria to save you time as you consider the proposals during the 60 day comment period.    Note that no vendor needs to implement 2015 criteria and no provider needs to adopt 2015 certified software, hence the term voluntary.  In many...[Readmore]
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