Senin, 30 Juni 2014

Learning to Sit On the Floor, Part 1

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by ShariWe recently received a question about learning to sit on the floor without support. Because we often write about the benefits of sitting on the floor (see To Sit or Not To Sit (on the floor)?), we thought having a little guidance for people who are currently unable to sit comfortably on the floor would be useful for a large number of people. So we decided to dedicate an entire post to the topic of how you can learn to sit comfortably on the...[Readmore]

Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

Friday A: The Three-Part Breath

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Ladder by Melina MezaQ: I was taught the way to breathe is through the belly to the chest and ending in the sternum area.  I saw a video from Leslie Kaminoff where he stated he does it the opposite way meaning sternum to belly. So, what does yoga teach us? Does it matter?A: I’ll start right off with the assertion that from my perspective there is no one right way of breathing. And from my exposure to different styles of yoga and different modern...[Readmore]

Kamis, 26 Juni 2014

Hyperextension of the Knees and Yoga

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by NinaHyperextending!Typically it’s not me who writes about anatomical aspects of the asana practice. After all, we’ve got both Baxter, an MD who teaches anatomy to yoga teachers and Shari, a physical therapist who teaches anatomy to yoga teachers, on our staff. But after reading Baxter’s post about the standing leg and knee in Warrior 3 pose (Vrbradrasana 3), I decided to write about hyperextension in the knee joints in general because,...[Readmore]

Unity Farm Journal - 4th week of June 2014

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Last weekend, we had two days of clear, warm weather, perfect for harvesting vegetables, inoculating mushrooms, and caring for bees.We received 40 pounds of mushroom spawn from our supplier, Field and Forest, and we created two new mushroom areas - 4 raised beds of compost with Agaricus (almond mushroom) and 12 new stacks of logs with Oysters.    The Golden Oysters are beginning to fruit in the warm humidity of summer afternoons.Eating...[Readmore]

Rabu, 25 Juni 2014

Ashtanga Yoga: Following the Eight-Fold Path

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by RamEucalyptus by Melina MezaMisconception 1: Yoga means The Mat & Asanas.Reality: This is a common misconception. In reality, yoga is one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy that describes: 1) our true nature, 2) our goal/purpose in life, and 3) the means to achieve the goal. Thanks to Swami Vivekananda, yoga came to the West in 1893 and found a very receptive audience. Yoga philosophy has its origin in the Vedic texts that address health...[Readmore]

Interoperability in Real Life

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On Monday afternoon my wife was speaking with my 82 year old father-in-law, when he began speaking in word salad - not slurring his words, but clearly speaking words that made no sense.   He had no numbness or weakness, no confusion, and no change in consciousness.  After 5 minutes all symptoms resolved.My wife called me and after hearing the history, I knew he was having a transient ischemic attack (TIA).   Given that he was stable,...[Readmore]

Selasa, 24 Juni 2014

The Standing Leg and Knee in Warrior 3 Pose

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by BaxterA funny thing happened a few weeks back as I watched my teacher trainees teaching one another: I saw things happening in their bodies that I miss when I am  the one teaching. That is the benefit of sometimes just watching what’s happening around you! And the most interesting thing I noticed was what happened to the standing leg and knee when one of them was teaching Warrior 3 to the others. I am fond of Warrior 3, and often also frustrated...[Readmore]
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