Kamis, 31 Juli 2014

Featured Pose: Simple Chair Twist (Rerun)

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by Baxter and NinaThe Simple Chair Twist is one of our five essential office yoga poses. It releases back muscles that are stiff or sore from sitting at a desk or from traveling, or from everyday activities that stress the back and increase the rotational mobility in your spine, such as gardening and painting. Twisting also helps nourish the spine—movement of the spine helps maintain the health of the discs—and it strengthens the bones...[Readmore]

Unity Farm Journal - 5th Week of July 2014

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The great thing about running a farm is that every day is filled with the unexpected.Sunny, our new baby alpaca did not consume her first meal of mother’s milk in time to receive the antibodies that are necessary to keep her healthy.   She was not gaining weight.   We had only one choice - a transfusion of alpaca plasma containing IgG (about $150).     We drove to Tufts Veterinary School and picked up 500cc of plasma.   There...[Readmore]

Rabu, 30 Juli 2014

Featured Sequence: Brain Health Practice

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by BaxterHere's our new Brain Health sequence, which combines physical exercise and stress management to promote health of the organ in general with "brain aerobics" to challenge you mentally. If you want to practice this sequence on a regular basis, you'll need to change it up periodically (see Yoga Sequences Are Brain Aerobics for information).1. Checking-In: Start by sitting and checking in with your mind: is your mind busy or quiet...[Readmore]

Real Time Big Data Analytics for Clinical Care

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Over the summer, I’ve given many lectures about SMAC - social media, mobile, analytics and cloud computing.The most popular analytics topics are business intelligence, big data, and novel data visualizations.Recently, Dr. Chris Longhurst, chief medical information officer at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, and colleagues wrote an article in the Big Data Issue of Health Affairs, that suggests a very practical approach for enabling real time analytics...[Readmore]

Selasa, 29 Juli 2014

Yoga Sequences Are Brain Aerobics

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by BaxterDo you like my brain? by Niki de Saint Phalle*Brain Health is a topic we here at YFHA have addressed on numerous occasions. Research clearly points out that your mind like your body needs to be exercised regularly. I recently grabbed a flyer from my family doctor’s office that caught my eye. It was titled “The Power of Brain Aerobics: Maximize Your Memory.” As I read through it, I could not help but recall (good sign, eh?) the two excellent...[Readmore]

Senin, 28 Juli 2014

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Yoga to the Rescue

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by RamTokugawa with help from the Jodo monks of the Daijuji temple in Okizaki, defeats the Ikkō ikki at the battle of Azukizaka by YoshitoshiPost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that develops after a person is exposed to a traumatic event. The individual could be either experiencing or witnessing the event.  Generally, people who are exposed to a traumatic event have difficulty adjusting and coping for a while but the...[Readmore]

There’s More to ePrescribing Standards Than You Think

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In followup to my guest post from Dr. Marvin Harper about e-Prescribing gaps, John Klimek, R.Ph., Senior VP, Standards and Information Technology, NCPDP wrote the following helpful guest post:The National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) leaders and members read with interest the guest post from Dr. Marvin Harper, CMIO at Boston Children's Hospital, entitled “Limitations of e-Prescribing Standards.” Dr. Harper’s thoughtful post brings...[Readmore]
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