Rabu, 28 April 2010

Acai Berries

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Acai berry is the reddish, purple color fruit, which is found in Central And Southern Parts of United States Of America, this fruit is from the blueberry, strawberry and other berries family, this fruit is very ordinary and one of the important fruits in the world, this fruit has some thing special in them that these acai berries are very important for health diseases and for cancer, as acai berries contains healthy nutrients in them which can increases...[Readmore]

Senin, 26 April 2010


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Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer. It’s arises from the chest, abdomen and the cells lining. The most common form of mesothelioma is the Pleural other form of mesothelioma are Peritoneal mesothelioma which is less common.Peritoneal Mesothelioma is also known Abdominal Mesothelioma, more than 250 cases of this disease are diagnosed in United States each yearMesothelioma is very common in people who worked on jobs and inhale asbestos particles....[Readmore]

Sabtu, 24 April 2010


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The word Malaria comes from an Italian word "mala" which means "bad" and "aria" which means "air", So after combining these two words its mean Bad Air.Malaria is caused by a bite of female Anopheles Mosquito, it happens when the female anopheles mosquito bites someone and sucks the blood of body, after having the blood of the infected person in the body of female mosquito for a week, blood mixes with the malaria parasites.When the female attacks...[Readmore]

Jumat, 23 April 2010

Diabetes Diet Meal Plan

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What is Diabetes ?Diabetes is a condition in which the person has high blood sugar or it is also known as high glucose level. In this case the body does not produce insulin that are required by the body.Diet Meal For Diabetic Patients : If you have diabetes you can control the diabetes through your regular meal without any problem the diet plan you should follow for your meals are as under.You should take your 1000 to 1300 calories per day which...[Readmore]

Fungal Nail Treatment

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Fungal nail infection is very common. It causes thickened and unsightly nails which is very painful. Toenails are most infected as compare to other finger nails. Fungal nails are most common in old aged peoples and it is also very common in peoples who uses communal swimming pools, shoes, and athletes.More than 5% of adults throughout the world suffers this infection.Causes Of Fungal Nail :The most common causes of fungal infections are damage...[Readmore]

Sabtu, 17 April 2010


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What is Hemorrhoid ?Hemorrhoids is the disease in which the veins around the lower rectum are swallowed and inflamed.Hemorrhoids Causes : The main causes of hemorrhoids are diet and sitting in toilet with wrong posture,having anal intercourse, eating bad or too much food or eating too much fiber, will leads to constipation which in result causes hemorrhoid.Second big factor of this disease is sitting in toilet with wrong posture, some people read...[Readmore]


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Tinnitus is ringing, swishing or other type of sound originate within the human ear. It is not a disease, it is a symptom which results from some causes. It is very disturbing for peoples who have it. According to a report almost 12 percent of peoples with age of 60 to 75 are affected from tinnitus. It is very common in old aged peoples.Inner ear and outer ear are most infected areas from it. In some patients it takes a form of whistling, clicking,...[Readmore]

Jumat, 16 April 2010

Pregnancy And Acne

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Acne, pimples and rankles are such big problem which is faced by a majority of womanin their teenage life but Women do think like that after passing their teenage lifetheir skin will not be suffered by any kind of pimples, rankles etc. but the fact isthat they are wrong!! it is estimated around 50% of the women suffers from acne problemseven in their adult age which can happen at any point in their lives, you never know whenit does happen but if...[Readmore]
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