Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

Friday Q&A: Collapsed Lung

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Front View of Heart and LungsQ: Got a friend (a smoker) who ended a camping trip in the mountains (probably around 6K feet) by getting a collapsed lung. His wife got him to the hospital and all is well--he is even back to enjoying his electronic cigarettes (says it is not really smoking!) Anyway, I was thinking of using this as an opportunity to (finally) get him to try breathing meditation, Yoga/Tai Chi—but the lung thing has me worried. This was...[Readmore]

Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

Unity Farm Keets (Guinea Fowl chicks) Available Now

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Our Guineas have been remarkably fertile this Summer and we'll have 100 babies available for purchase.   They're $4 each.Guineas are tick eaters and will rid your yard of many undesirable insects.   You will need a coop to keep them safe from predators at night.Our first hatching of 20 is extremely healthy and we'll have another 30 hatching this weekend.Although chicks are shipped in general, our experience is that the process is extremely...[Readmore]

Book ReleaseYoga Sparks'uot; by Carol Krucoff

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by NinaJust a brief announcement today that one of our guest bloggers, Carol Krucoff (see Yoga May Be the Best Activity for the Elderly), has released a new book! It is called Yoga Sparks: 108 Easy Practices for Stress Relief in a Minute or Less. Baxter reviews the book in the September 2103 of Yoga Journal Magazine, which is currently available. recomended product suport by ama...[Readmore]

Building Unity Farm - Preserving History

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Since Sherborn's founding in 1652, the land of Unity Farm has been adjacent to the town center.  In the past, the property has been a dairy, sheep paddocks, and part of a much larger farm.   As I've cut trails through the property I've uncovered old tools, old timbers, and numerous rock walls.Along the Unity Farm Marsh trail are two particularly interesting sights - the Sherborn Powder House and the Old Dug Well/Windmill.The Powder...[Readmore]

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

Take Your Time: Results from Yoga Practice

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by NinaHorses Grazing by Brad GibsonIt's a running joke in our family that when Brad gets impatient with me—because I often do various household tasks a bit slower than he does—he says to me, "Take your time!" He swears that Bill Murray said this repeatedly in the movie Caddy Shack, but when we watched it again recently, no one actually ever uttered that line. Regardless, I always reply, "You take your time." But many worthwhile things really do...[Readmore]

Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Nocturnal Leg Cramps and Yoga

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by BaxterRecently while reading through one of my Family Medicine journals, I came across an article that caught my interest due to the frequent complaints of some of my students.  It was on nocturnal leg cramps.  Yes, quite often my students will ask me what they can do to address these ill-timed leg cramps (as if there is any good time for a leg cramp!).  I’ll get into what we know about the nocturnal leg cramps (NLCs) in a minute,...[Readmore]

Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

Building Unity Farm - The Guinea Fowl are Born

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It's August in New England and although everyone in healthcare IT is consumed by Meaningful Use stage 2, ICD10, ACA, the HIPAA Omnibus Rule, and various compliance initiatives, it's also the time we try to take a few hours off before the busy Fall.   Although I'm not taking any vacation this year, I have reduced my writing schedule (hence fewer blog posts this month) and spent more time at Unity Farm.This week our first 20 guinea fowl hatched...[Readmore]

Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

On Vacation

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Take Back Your Life by Melina MezaYoga for Healthy Aging will be on vacation for the next week. We'll return to our usual five posts per week starting on Monday, August 26. Have a good week off, everyone!recomended product suport by ama...[Readmore]

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

Friday Q&A: Multiple Sclerosis

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Q:I am curious about how yoga might be used to benefit someone with a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  I have heard about it, but am not sure how to proceed.A: Thanks for checking in about this. I am surprised we have not addressed this to date, so I am happy we will go over it today! After I did my teacher training in 2001, one of the first workshops I ever attended was down in the South Bay, where a well known teacher from Catalina...[Readmore]

Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

On Teaching Seniors: The Benefits Flow Both Ways!

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by Bridget Wet Handlebars by Melina MezaWhile not yet a senior myself, I do teach seniors at the North Berkeley Senior Center. I came to yoga with serious, debilitating back pain—caused by high-speed, over-the-handlebars bike accidents in my teens, and untreated whiplash from several car accidents later on. The gentle Iyengar-style yoga taught at The Yoga Room in Berkeley set me on a path of healing. So, to me, yoga has been a therapeutic, kind...[Readmore]
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