Senin, 30 September 2013

Yoga in the Skies (Airplane Yoga)

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by RamEvening Sky by Melina MezaA long-distance trip may be in the offing for me and may involve “crossing the seven seas” as they refer to travel to Asia. I dread airline travel, especially if it involves sitting for more than five hours on a seat that is generally 17-18 inches wide with hardly any space between my knees and the seat in front of me. Added to the butt and knee discomfort, I have to deal with stiff hips, a strained back, swollen ankles...[Readmore]

Kamis, 26 September 2013

Friday Q&A: Scooping the Tailbone?

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Q: I have heard that using the cue "scoop the tailbone" is passé, because people tend to over tuck their tailbones already. There is a class I attend where this cue is given A LOT—for tons of poses—tree, chair, etc. Is this cue "out" and is it ever appropriate? Thanks! Is there any research behind using or not scooping the tailbone? I tend to not. I hear point the pubic bone down. A: This is a very relevant question, for, as our questioner points...[Readmore]

Featured Pose: Chair Shoulderstand

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by NinaIn her interview with us (see Judith Lasater on Yoga and Aging), Judith Lasater mentioned the poses that she currently practices, citing "especially Viparita Karanai (Legs Up the Wall pose), Supported Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) on the chair and Supported Halasana (Plow pose) on the Halasana bench." In my post Judith Lasater's Favorite Poses, I talked about these poses and why, even though they may be a little tricky to learn, they're so...[Readmore]

Building Unity Farm - The Ducks Arrive

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Today, 10 ducks, born on Monday, arrived at Unity Farm.    Here are the details1.  Two Fawn and White Runner Ducks2.  Two Rouen3.  Two Blue Swedish4.  Two Welsh Harlequin 5.  Two Chocolate Runner DucksJust as with our chickens and guinea fowl, each duck has their own personality and temperament.   For prospective duck buyers, here's a behavior chart by breed.We'll keep them in our indoor brooders...[Readmore]

Rabu, 25 September 2013

Yoga and Cycling

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by Nina and BridgetWhen I Drive a Flower Bicycle, I Will Have a Good Future by Yu YouhanAs someone who walks and gardens a lot, I know how valuable it can be to use your yoga practice to balance your body after intense physical activity of a different kind. Our editor, Bridget Frederick, uses her yoga practice to balance her body from all the cycling she does. She has been completely bicycle dependent for the last 5 years, and has experienced her...[Readmore]

The HL7 Annual Meeting

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On Monday, I had the honor of keynoting the HL7 Annual meeting in Cambridge, MA.   I used these slides.I began with an overview of the Standards work in progress in the HIT Standards Committee and the S&I Framework.   Then, I offered personal comments (not representing the Standards Committee) as to where I believe healthcare Standards need to evolve.My major point was this - Why did the web grow an exponential pace?  We had transport...[Readmore]

Selasa, 24 September 2013

Aging, Telomeres, and Yoga: New Study by Elizabeth Blackburn and Dean Ornish

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by BaxterA while back, we reported on an interesting potential marker in the body for aging of the cells connected to the genes called a telomere (see Stressed Mind, Stressed Cells and Science, Aging and Yoga). A telomere is like a tail on the end of DNA strands found in our cells, and an enzyme called telomerase influences the length and activity of the telomere. Studies done a few years ago by a Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn at UCSF in San Francisco...[Readmore]

The September HIT Standards Committee Meeting

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The September HIT Standards Committee focused on image exchange, scenario-based certification,  the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA) , and an important discussion about setting standards priorities for FY14.This was Farzad Mostashari's last meeting.   He shared his worries and offered us advice:*Do not slow  implementation of FY14 standards.  We've worked too hard to get this far*Offering more time...[Readmore]

Senin, 23 September 2013

Featured Pose: Supported Plow Pose (Arda Halasana)

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by NinaIn her interview with us (see Judith Lasater on Yoga and Aging), Judith Lasater mentioned the poses that she currently practices, citing "especially Viparita Karanai (Legs Up the Wall pose), Supported Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) on the chair and Supported Halasana (Plow pose) on the Halasana bench." In my post Judith Lasater's Favorite Poses, I talked about these poses and why, even though they may be a little tricky to learn, they're so...[Readmore]
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