Rabu, 30 April 2014

Short Yoga Sessions Stimulate Brain Function and Improve Cognition

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by RamMonarchs Feeding by Melina MezaBoth Nina and Baxter emphasized the need to have a short session of yoga as a quick practice especially during long travel or while taking a break from work (see Mini Office Yoga Practice).  And I recently wrote a piece about the ill effects of prolonged sitting, and suggested taking short breaks and bringing in office yoga or supplementary yoga (see Yoga, Your Compantion Through the Day). All these articles...[Readmore]

Security Priorities for 2014

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In previous posts, I’ve described security as a process, not a project.  It’s like a cold war that never ends with new threats every day requiring new countermeasures.As I survey the landscape in 2014, I see much more sophisticated attacks at the same time there is much more severe regulatory enforcement.    Where would I put my security dollars this year?1.  Denial of Service/Distributed Denial of Service MitigationIn many ways...[Readmore]

Selasa, 29 April 2014

Featured Sequence: Lower Body Strength Practice

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by BaxterWarrior 3 PoseLower body strength is vital to so many of our daily activities, from the simplest tasks, such as, getting out of bed in the morning and moving around the house as we start the day, to elective activities, such as, getting up and down in the garden on a lovely spring day, to unexpected events, such as helping to move furniture for your best friend. So, from from my perspective, we are talking about strengthening the muscles...[Readmore]

Senin, 28 April 2014

When Relaxing Isn't Relaxing

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by NinaCactus Flower by Melina MezaOn Friday, Baxter wrote about how meditation and other forms of conscious relaxation, such as yoga nidra, can be agitating for certain people (see Friday Q&A: Can Meditation Be Dangerous?). I wouldn’t be surprised if that were true for many of us at certain times. Sometimes when you’re feeling anxious or depressed having to sit quietly with your thoughts can be overwhelming. The same thing is true for lying...[Readmore]

Jumat, 25 April 2014

Friday Q&A: Can Meditation Be Dangerous?

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Cactus by Melina MezaQ: I've got a question for Baxter (as one of his former teacher training students and budding yoga teacher): Are there any studies showing that individuals with mental disorders such as depression or schizophrenia should not meditate because it may worsen their condition or otherwise?A: My students are always spurring me to look more deeply at what I know about yoga and its safe application for so many conditions! And this question...[Readmore]

Kamis, 24 April 2014

The April HIT Standards Committee meeting

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The April Standards Committee began with a tribute to Jon Perlin, who is leaving his chair role of the HIT Standards Committee so that he can focus on his chair role at the American Hospital Association.   Jacob Reider, Deputy National Coordinator will serve as the Standards committee chair.   I will continue as vice-chair.     Jon Perlin has done remarkable work as chair and I look forward to his continued service as a committee...[Readmore]

Accidentally Karma Yoga

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by NinaAustin Graffiti by Melina MezaBrad has recently been telling me about how gratifying he finds mentoring his younger colleagues. He said that he’s turning more and more to this activity as a way of finding fulfillment at his work. Then, just last night as we were walking home from dinner out, he told me he’d read an article about a scientific study that confirmed his new approach to his job Meaningful Activities Protect the Brain From Depression...[Readmore]

Rabu, 23 April 2014

One Thing: Yoga, Zen, Whatever

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by NinaZen Jewel by Torei EnjiLast night I was thinking about someone close to me who is going through hard times—struggling with rather serious depression. Although he exercises regularly, he doesn't take yoga classes. He's considering starting, though, and naturally I'm the go-to expert on that topic so I spent some time reading up on the studios in his area in an attempt to help. But when it came down to it, I surprised myself by recommending...[Readmore]
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