Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014

New CMS rule allows flexibility in certified EHR technology for 2014

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Today is my one day of Summer vacation, enabled by the large number of people taking a long labor day weekend.Some things are worth interrupting your vacation.This afternoon, CMS published he long awaited final rule on Meaningful Use flexibility.Here’s my interpretation.Many CIOs tell me that they will be ready for transition of care and patient view/download/transmit for the full year October 1, 2014-September 30, 2015.   However, the ecosystem...[Readmore]

Friday : Practice for All Seasons (Rerun)

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Swimming Hole by Brad GibsonQ: Practice and the seasons: Does your practice change with the seasons and if so how?A: Where I live, there are seasons (though some people might argue differently), but rarely extremes of weather. But one summer day that was actually hot, I went to my regular Friday morning yoga class, expecting backbends because my teacher always teaches backbends the second class of the month. Our studio, though in a beautiful old...[Readmore]

Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014

A Woman Did a Single Yoga Pose and What Happened Next Will Blow Your Mind!

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by N...[Readmore]

Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

Tapas: Working with Dedication

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by NinaCloud and Sunset by Brad GibsonWhen my mother broke her hip in her mid-seventies, she surprised me with her ferocious dedication to working toward a full recovery. She did her physical therapy exercises every day, soon worked her way up toward walking around the block with a walker, and eventually over time regained full use of her new hip. From then on she was able to walk easily and with no aids almost until the end of her life. I was remembering...[Readmore]

Senin, 25 Agustus 2014

Yoga for the People (and Healthy Bones)!

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by ShariWith the recent passing of BKS Iyengar (the teacher of my teacher, Donald Moyer) and the exponential growth of yoga inspired by Mr. Iyengar, I have been thinking a lot about health outcomes and why yoga is such a powerful self-help tool. You see, in my day job as a home health physical therapist, health outcome is measured very differently than it is in a complementary alternative health care model that yoga falls within.My patients too often...[Readmore]

Jumat, 22 Agustus 2014

Friday Q&A: Yoga for Better Digestion

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Q: I tend to suffer from digestive problems, so I was wondering whether there are any yoga poses that I could do after eating to improve my digestion?A: Although Baxter and I wrote a post about how there are no hard and fast rules about how long to wait after eating to do yoga (see Friday Q&A: When to Eat), if you do tend to suffer from digestive problems, it is probably best for you to refrain from doing active poses immediately after eating.However,...[Readmore]

Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014

Baxter Bell Selected One of Top Ten Bay Area Yoga Teachers!

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by NinaJust a quick announcement today to let you know that Yogascapes has selected our own Baxter Bell as one of the top 10 yoga teachers in the Bay Area (that would be the San Francisco Bay Area).  They explain why they love him:"No matter your age, background or exposure to yoga, once you step into Baxter's class you will immediately feel cared for. Even if the class is full to the edge of the room, he takes time to introduce himself to everyone...[Readmore]

Unity Farm Journal - 4th week of August 2014

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Over the past week, the combination of rain and cool Fall-like temperatures caused our 165 shitake logs to fruit, resulting in over 50 pounds of fresh mushrooms.   We inoculated 5 tons of oak logs last August and throughout the year have had a few pounds to deliver to local farm stands.   We really did not know if our work would be successful, since this is our first effort at growing mushrooms to commercial scale.   We’re guided by...[Readmore]

Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014

B.K.S. Iyengar, The Teacher of My Teachers, Has Died

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by NinaAlthough I never studied with B.K.S. Iyengar, the three teachers who have influenced me the most, Donald Moyer, Mary Lou Weprin, and Rodney Yee, all did. I have also been strongly influenced by two other Iyengar teachers, Patrician Walden and Roger Cole. So even though I'm not a certified Iyengar teacher (I am a certified Yoga Room teacher), I've always felt connected to this great man, as a student of his students and a reader of his books....[Readmore]

The August HIT Standards Committee

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The August HIT Standards Committee focused on the work ahead to accelerate interoperability.   It’s no longer about Meaningful Use, it’s about Meaningful healthcare information exchange. I offered my opinion about the work ahead.  ONC is in the middle of regulation writing for Meaningful Use Stage 3, so the standards work of the next 10 weeks is not going to be incorporated into the NPRM. Regulation is not the only way that health IT standards...[Readmore]

Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014

Knock-Knees, Lady Gaga, and Yoga

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by BaxterLady Gaga Bares Her Knock-Knees*Don’t know if Nina mentioned it yesterday, but this interest in knees all started with the following question we got last week:I have a student who has knock knees (genus valgus), a condition that I gather is quite common in women. She reports that aligning her knee with her second toe in standing poses gives her knee pain. Do you or Baxter have a suggestion for her, as well as for an appropriate cue in classes...[Readmore]
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