Heart health should be at the top of almost everyone’s priority list for the simple fact that cardiovascular disease is the number one cause for death in the US each year. More people will die this year from heart disease than will die from all the cancers combined! So, keeping your heart healthy can translate into a longer, more vital life for many of us. The practice I am sharing with you today assumes that you do not have any active heart problems at this time. If you are not sure of your heart status, it would wise to visit your primary care doc to have a good physical exam and ask you doctor if you have any limitation on your physical activity. If you get the green light, than this practice should be both beneficial and safe for you to do.
2. Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana): From Mountain pose, step your feet wide apart, turn your right foot and leg out 90 degrees and kick out your back heel an inch or so. Bring your arms up parallel with the floor and bend your front knee. Then side-bend your hips and torso over your right leg and put your right hand on a block on its highest height, placed snug up against the outside of your front shin. Swing your top arm up and overhead, completing the side angle from your back leg through your torso and into your top arm. Push down firmly into the block with your bottom hand, and feel your right shoulder blade firm into your chest and slightly down toward your waist. Reach your top arm and shoulder blade strongly forward towards your fingers. Since this is a static, held posture that will increase the workload of the heart, aim to stay in it for at least six breaths, and work your way up to 90 seconds over time. Inhale as you come up, relax your arms at your sides and repeat on the second side.
Note: you can always create a “dynamic” version of any of the standing poses, moving into and out of the pose with your breath, as a warm up to doing it statically.
5. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha): Start in Constructive Rest position (on your back with knees bent and heels about four inches from your hips) with a block close by, and establish the normal, slightly arched shape of your lumbar spine. Then lift your hips straight up as you push down into your feet, like an elevator going up a few floors, maintaining the neutral arch of your lower back. Once in Bridge pose, bring some focus to your arms. Press the upper back of your upper arms (right where your arms meet the shoulders) firmly down into the floor while actively lifting the lower tip of your breast bone up to the sky. Then press your arms—which are lengthening towards your feet—firmly down into the floor as well. This will begin to encourage extension of your shoulder joints.
Now, grab the block and place it under your pelvic bones, positioning it where a belt would be if you were wearing slacks, at whatever height feels good for your body. Stay for 1-3 minutes. This supported, partial inversion will encourage the benefits described above. To come down, lift your hips slightly off the block and move the block out of the way, and then lower your hips straight down, like an elevator returning to the lobby floor. Then, gently roll to your side and come up to sitting.
Now, grab the block and place it under your pelvic bones, positioning it where a belt would be if you were wearing slacks, at whatever height feels good for your body. Stay for 1-3 minutes. This supported, partial inversion will encourage the benefits described above. To come down, lift your hips slightly off the block and move the block out of the way, and then lower your hips straight down, like an elevator returning to the lobby floor. Then, gently roll to your side and come up to sitting.
7. Pranayama: In your seated position (see Learning to Sit on the Floor, Part 2), or if you are fatigued, in a supported reclining position, turn your attention to your relaxed breathing pattern. At this point in your practice, it’s time to encourage relaxation and quieting of the heart and nervous system. So working with the gentle lengthening of your exhalations is a simple and excellent way to support that goal. In this breath practice, the classic ratio of the length of your inhale to exhale is 1:2, which could be a one-second inhalation and a two-second exhalation or a two-second inhalation and a four-second exhalation—you get the idea. The key is to keep your breathing relaxed so you are not over-efforting. I like to do a set number of repetitions, such as six rounds or twelve rounds. Then let your breath return to its natural length and depth, and notice how things feel internally.
8. Easy Inverted Pose (Viparita Karani modified): Finish your practice with this partial inversion. See Featured Pose: Easy Inverted Pose for complete instructions. While in the pose, focus your attention on the area of your heart, visualizing your heart as strong and steady, and also relaxed and rested. Try keeping your attention in this general area as you rest for five to ten minutes before returning the your day.
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