Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014

Saturday Bug Report

by Nina
Pineapple and Cockroaches by
Maria Sibylla Merian
Did you happen to notice that there were three posts on Thursday, July 24, 2014? Yes, that happened. And I don't think I can fix it. Of course, it's not the worst thing in the world, but I thought you deserved a bit of an explanation. 

Only the post The Power of Svadhyaya (Self-Study), Part 2 was a new one, and this post is the one that was supposed to be published on Thursday. Enjoy!

The other two posts, Never Go to Bed Angry and Friday Q&A: When to Eat, are posts from 2011 that I updated. Normally, updating a post—which I do very frequently—does not cause it to be republished on a new date, only, well, updated in place. But I've noticed that the Blogger (the Google software I use to create and maintain this blog) has quite a number of bugs, so I assume it's just acting strangely today and hope it will recover soon. It usually does—eventually—and since it's a free product, I'm not in much of a position to complain (around here one of my mottos about my housework and cooking is "No criticizing the free help!"). 

I do think these two older posts are worth reading if you haven't already read them (which was why I was updating them). But I did feel like I should let you know that we're going to return to our normal routine of one post five days a week. 

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