More than 1.2 million cases occur yearly of skin cancer and is increasing day by day, it is also surveyed that around 55% of all Americans with the age of 65 or more are infected with skin cancer once in their whole life.
Symptoms Of Skin Cancer :
The main symptoms of skin cancer are changes in the skin which do not heal, sore in the skin, the color of skin changes and if the moles becomes larger than ordinary size.
Causes Of Skin Cancer :
There are variety of cause which results in skin cancer, like : too much smoking tobacco, over use of Ultraviolet radiations, deficiency of vitamin D, which we get from Sun.
Prevention Of Skin Cancer :
Skin cancer can only be prevented if a person avoids using tobacco, reducing use of ultra violet, by using full leaves shirts and full clothes which can cover up the whole body specially when going outdoor.
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